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The Importance of Reporting an Accident Quickly

Insights into Accident Scene and Response Investigations from Northland Insurance

Posted in Transportation

Author: Sandi Fritz

JM Wilson is fortunate to represent one of the leading transportation insurance carriers in the industry, Northland Insurance Company. The amount and quality of resources they make available to their policy holders is invaluable, including their Truck Transportation Safety Resources.  

At the time of an accident, the situation can be chaotic. Regardless of the severity of the accident, it is important to act quickly and professionally to ensure the safety of everyone involved and make the claims process go smoothly.

Here is what you’ll find in this 3-minute quick read “Accident Scene Response & Investigations” from Northland: 

  • The importance of a quick and professional response when an accident occurs – regardless of fault
  • The information you’ll want to report to 911 and emergency responders
  • Tips to securing the accident scene
  • When to contact your insurance company
  • What needs to be done before you can leave the scene
  • Information to collect for the accident investigation
  • Photos or video that will be helpful to capture

At JM Wilson, we are often asked "Do we need to report this claim?”  

The short answer is yes! With today’s legal climate it is more important than ever to report all claims regardless of the size and the time the incident occurs. By notifying your insurance carrier, you can take full advantage of their claims response and resources to help you navigate the situation.

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